Healthy Pregnancy Tips for Mom Fat and Skinny

In early pregnancy , expectant mothers need to do an examination by medical personnel . In addition to ascertain the condition of pregnancy , it is also useful to know how the general health condition .
One of the checks that are required to measure how much body weight (BW ) to determine the nutritional status in early pregnancy . BB becomes important to know why ? Because BB in early pregnancy to be the basis to determine the pattern of increase in BB throughout pregnancy .

Generally , accretion BB mothers during pregnancy is about 10 to 12.5 kilograms . Obviously , height ( TB ) affects mothers during pregnancy increase BB . For example , mothers with relatively high body choose greater accretion BB mothers with TB than short .

For mothers with pre-pregnancy skinny body , is expected to rise about 12.5 to 18.5 kg BB , whereas for mothers with normal weight are expected to rise about 11.5 B -12.5 kg . While mothers with body fat before pregnancy , is expected to rise about 7 to 11.5 kg BB .

Body weight did not go up

Well, the thing to note , BB gain during pregnancy associated with the consumption or intake of food , whether a lot or a little . When expectant mothers experiencing malnutrition , expected in trimester II and III can add BB 500 grams per week . While mothers who are known more nutritious or obese are advised to add BB 300 grams per week .

What if the mother never rose BB ? This occurs because of an imbalance between food intake and body needs . In other words , food intake gained less than the requirement . This condition would not be separated from risk , such as the fetus so malnourished , infants born with low birth weight so the impact on growth and development in the future .

When underweight

So even underweight mothers are at risk of preterm birth , low birth weight ( LBW ) , even when maternity bleeding . Studies conducted the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine , shows that about 72 percent of expectant mothers who are underweight apparently had a miscarriage in the first trimester .

Well , to avoid miscarriages , expectant mothers need to take supplements of folic acid , iron , and other vitamins . In addition , the portion of food needs to be set properly in order to increase BB as needed . In order for the nutritional needs of mothers who fulfilled skinny , try eating foods with a little gravy . On the daily menu , add fresh fruit and vegetables .

When body fat

What about mothers with excess BB ? This condition is also not spared from the risk , for example , low birth weight , bleeding or poisoning of pregnancy , high blood pressure , diabetes , the fetus grew normally so difficult birth , the possibility of experiencing complications during childbirth .

Related to this , research Dr. Fiona C. Denison and his team from the University of Edinburgh UK confirms , mothers who are overweight ( obese ) in the first trimester of pregnancy and that her weight soared likely to pass a longer gestation period and the risk of complications .

Dr. Denison was revealed, obesity poses a significant risk to the health of both mother and fetus . In the study , he and his team found that obesity was significantly associated with complications , such as gestational diabetes and high blood pressure due to pregnancy .

In addition , if there is an increase BB , especially over the age of 28 weeks , generally occurs hypertension or preeclampsia pregnancy . Symptoms are the body and feet swell . In the event of severe hypertension , needed hospitalization so the mother can be observed to prevent the occurrence of seizures during pregnancy .

Therefore, prospective mothers are obese or with excess BB needs a diet low in calories and fat to improve their nutritional status . Note eat balanced while controlling blood pressure . In addition , note also how to eat , do not eat that much in quantity as well .

Another thing to note is the addition of energy to obese mothers must be no more than 300 kcal / day . Weight gain should not be more than 3 kg per month or 1 kg per week . Reduce foods that are sweet , savory , and contain a lot of fat , such as beef , chicken with skin , oily foods , and the like . While fruits that should be limited is durian, jackfruit , and avocados because of high calories . Strive to eat foods rich in fiber .


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